perjantai 25. maaliskuuta 2016

Osallistuin erääseen ohjelmaan...

Osallistuin erääseen ohjemaan omalla pienellä panoksellani KickStarter varainkeruuseen.
Aluksi tavoite oli $30,000 ja he saivat yli $100,000.

Alla meili jonka me osallistujat saimme. Julkaisen sen tuodakseni teille esille lähemmin mitä tuo KickStarter pitää sisällään.

Entä se projekti?
Sen aloitti Ben Davidson joka aikoinaan perusti sivuston nimellä The Suspicious0bservers.
Olen seurannut sitä jo jonkin aikaa, päivittäin. Olen sen kautta saanut jatkuvaa tietoa nk. suursäätiloista maailman laajuisesti kuten myös Suomen osalta. Ja paljon, paljon muuta tietoa, etenkin auringon vaikutuksesta ja sen käyttäytymisestä.

Siitä lisää tuonnempana, nyt hieman sitä mikä liittyy tuohon KickStarter palveluu.

On Thursday, March 24, 2016, Kickstarter's two-week waiting period ended and our successful funding campaign finally saw your contributions get where you meant them to go. As most of you know, in addition to a two-week waiting period for fundraisers to receive their contributions, there are between 7-9% taken out in fees by Kickstarter and the credit card processors, and inevitably some credit cards will not 'go through', so we knew that we would not be getting the full $119,910 that was pledged.
I was not sure what to expect, but have been happy with anything close to $100,000 (~5/6) of the funds actually getting to the project. I am thrilled to report that $108,275 was transferred into the bank account for our project and we can now begin to treat this project as a real endeavor and act accordingly. ~$1700 in pledges failed to process and ~$9900 was taken in fees. This is considered very-good when working with Kickstarter, and we consider all of our goals at this stage to have been met, 100%.
Of course, as I have mentioned in the morning news, we didn't wait to get started (we just couldn't pay anyone) and we have made significant progress. Our core programs that will access data and create a disaster risk score are nearly finished and are ready to begin testing on our new server so we can see what our data looks like. We will need a few weeks to make sure the numbers match up and the images we produce look correct.
We have also connected with one of the top free-lance App developers the United States and they have agreed to be involved from the start so they know what to expect when they get up to bat, and perhaps can even guide us to make sure everything is compatible along the way.
There will be much more coming soon. Eyes open, no fear. Be safe, everyone.
Ben Davidson 'S0'

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